Location: Tempe, Arizona, USA. Client: Arizona Department of Transportation. Design-Build Project Team: Granite/Sundt Joint Venture, Parsons Corporation, Logan Simpson Design. Conceptual Design, Urban Design, Corridor Aesthetics: Rick Phillips, AICP, RA. Landscape Architecture: Judy Mielke, RLA. Public Art (Country Club Way Bridge): Laurie Lundquist. Status: Completed, 2003.
Description: Two signature pedestrian / bicyclist bridges across the widened US 60 Superstition Freeway, completing important links in Tempe’s bicycle trail master plan. The College Avenue and Country Club Way bridges utilize distinctive prefabricated steel trusses placed by crane to minimize traffic disruption. The Country Club Way bridge features “Fly Over”, a sinuous open-lattice shade roof developed by prominent public artist, Laurie Lundquist. Both projects involved extensive stakeholder participation.