Location:  San José, California, USA.  Client:  California Department of Transportation, City of San José.  Project Team:  Parsons Corporation (Prime), Biggs Cardosa Associates, Sasaki Associates.  Conceptual Urban Design, Bridge Architecture:  Rick Phillips, AICP, RA.  Status:  Completed, 2002.
Description:  Unique single-point urban interchange providing an iconic gateway to the Santa Clara County Civic Center district and pedestrian access to downtown’s Guadalupe River Park. The centerpiece is a sculptural signal bridge in the form of an arched truss, blending contemporary and historic structural themes.  In 2002, the Taylor Interchange won a Tranny Award from the California Transportation Foundation and an Award of Excellence in the national 2003 Biennial Bridge Awards of the Portland Cement Association, both awards given for Context Sensitive Design.
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